Ways to Improve Fuel Efficiency

Due to the rise of global oil costs, drivers in the UK are experiencing increasing fuel bills as of February this year. Meanwhile, UK households are expected to see a 54% increase in their electricity and gas bills by the time April comes around.

With all these expected spikes in consumer fuel costs, it is no wonder that many are looking for ways how to save money on gas and electricity bills. Below, we will give some tips on how to reduce fuel consumption and save on fuel costs.

1.Check the Tyre Pressure

Under-inflated tires will create less rolling resistance, which will use more gas than properly inflated ones. The higher pressure also helps with traction and braking distances in wet conditions. Plus, it's just good sense—you're saving money!

2.Keep Your Car Clean

Dirt build-up reduces airflow over the vehicle, increases wind resistance and decreases aerodynamics, all of which means wasted gas because you have to work harder at moving forward without any increase in speed or power.

3.Change Air Filters Regularly

To prevent excessive gas use, you need to have a clean filter. A clean air filter allows for increased airflow through the engine. This improves fuel economy and the performance of the engine. So change your air filters regularly to get rid of the clogging and ensure proper combustion.

4.Check Battery Cables

Battery cables with corrosion can be an issue. With battery corroded cables, your vehicle’s alternator has to work double, which puts a lot of strain on it. As a result, there is a greater amount of fuel being used. To avoid corroded battery cables, routine cleaning or replacement is necessary.

5.Check Your Fuel Cap

If you have a loose, damaged or missing fuel cap, you run the risk of losing fuel at a high rate. Prevent gas evaporation by making it a routine to check your fuel cap.

6.Check for Faulty Oxygen Sensor

With a faulty oxygen sensor, you might experience a poor performance from your engine and combustion inefficiencies. This can result in greater fuel consumption and emissions.

7.Look for Defective Spark Plugs

Your vehicle's engine can misfire if you have defective spark plugs. This can cause engine troubles, thereby negatively affecting your gas mileage.

8.Practice Steady Driving

Quick acceleration is one of the causes of high fuel consumption. It leads to excessive gas use along with heavy braking. To improve fuel economy, you can apply fuel-efficient driving techniques such as maintaining a steady speed while driving.

9.Keep Your Engine from Idling Too Long

Your car unnecessarily uses up fuel when you let your engine idle. So how to save gas while idling? Well, in certain cases, it may be better to just turn off your engine instead of idling. Note that 10 minutes of idle time can be equivalent to more than 1 cup of expended fuel.

10.Use the Right Gear

Those who drive cars with manual transmission should use the most optimal gear. Lower gears have a higher RPM, thus generating more torque. Essentially, you waste unnecessary fuel when you use the lower gears for too long.

11.Leverage Fuel-Efficient Driving Techniques

Aside from driving steadily, there are other driving techniques you could use while on the road to improve fuel economy. Be on the lookout for traffic, and avoid tailgating. It is also best to avoid high speeds as much as possible.

You may be asking, “What is the most fuel-efficient speed to drive at?” According to Energy Saving Trust, the optimal speeds range from 55 to 65mph. So if you are wondering, “Does driving slowly reduce fuel consumption?” The answer is no. Driving too slow is similar to driving too fast in that it also consumes more fuel.

12.Utilise Cruise Control

Looking for ways how to save gas while driving on highways? You can use the cruise control to help you maintain a steady speed on highways, which can then improve your gas mileage.

13.Plan Your Routes Well

Mapping out your routes ensures efficiency in how you drive, saving you time and boosting your fuel economy. For the best route possible, keep away from roads with too many pedestrian crossings and intersections. Also, consider using navigation apps that will give you updates on road conditions and live traffic.

14.Avoid Rough Pavements

Cars tend to work twice as hard when navigating rough roads, especially those with poor structure or surfaces. Aside from increasing fuel consumption, driving through poor-quality roads can increase CO2 emissions and negatively impact the environment.

15.Plan Your Trips Ahead of Time and Combine Them

Prioritise efficiency by planning your trips ahead of time. As much as possible, lump together errands in one trip so that you won’t need to go out for another drive. Moreover, plan accordingly so that you can avoid rush hour, traffic jams and the like.

16.Reduce the Load on Your Car

Another way how to save gas while driving is to get rid of all the unnecessary weight on your car. Bikes, golfing equipment and roof racks—if you are not using the items, then it is best to remove them to lighten your load.

17.Do Not Overuse Your AC

Make sure to use your AC sparingly, as it can consume unnecessary fuel by up to 20%. If you are driving at speeds of up to 55mph, it would be best to roll down your vehicle’s windows instead.

18.Ensure That Your Car Gets Regular Maintenance Checks

Boost your vehicle’s overall fuel efficiency by staying on top of basic car maintenance. Routine checks and maintenance can help you spot issues early on, such as under-inflated tyres, dirt build-up, defective spark plugs and more.